Pleasure Unwoven

Addiction-Movie-CoverPleasure Unwoven – Award winning DVD

The most important question about addiction is: “Is it really a “disease?” In this video essay, filmed in high-definition, Kevin McCauley explores the arguments for and against this vital debate, reviewing the latest neuroscientific research about addiction along the way. Using the spectacular landscape of Utah’s State and National Parks to describe the brain areas involved in addiction, Kevin McCauley turns complex neuroscientific concepts into easy-to-understand visual images that will help people in recovery feel better understood, and their families and friends feel hope that recovery is possible.  Order here. 

Pleasure Unwoven – Award winning DVD (Spanish)  El placer Pleasure-Unwoven-Spanish-webdestejido


En este ensayo en video de alta definicion, Kevin McCauley explora los argumentos a favor y en contra de este debate fundamental, repasando lo ultimo acerca de la investigacion neuroscientifica acerca de la adiccion.

El Dr. McCauley utiliza los espectaculares paisajes del estado de Utah y sus Parques Nacionales para describir complejos conceptos neuroscientificos, referente a las areas del cerebro implicadas en la adiccion, convirtiendolos en imagenes visuales faciles de entender, que ayudan a las personas que se estan recuperando a sentirse mejor comprendidas, y a que sus familias y amigos sientan que hay esperanza y que la recuperacion es posible.  Ordene aqui.

Pleasure Unwoven Study GuideStudy-Guide-Front-Cover

A workbook companion to the film Pleasure Unwoven

Come on a journey that could well change your life! Despite extensive neuroscientific evidence, patients, their families, employers, and policy makers still have a hard time accepting that addiction is a disorder of the brain and not just the result of bad choices.

By popular request, this companion study guide to the award winning DVD “Pleasure Unwoven” takes people seeking recovery, their loved ones, and those who care for them still deeper into the issues raised in the film, with expanded explanations, fill-in features to personalize the material, and topics for discussion. Order here.